Dr. Giovanini, Dr. Capra & Dr. Gray 850.934.7545

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SI Joint Fusion

The SI joint can be a significant cause of lower back pain. Clinical publications have identified the SI joint as a pain generator in 15-30% of chronic lower back pain patients.1-4 In addition, the SI joint is a pain generator in up to 43% of patients with continued or new onset lower back pain after a lumbar fusion.5

iFuse TORQ® is designed to stabilize and fuse the SI joint. The iFuse procedure involves inserting typically three threaded titanium implants across the SI joint to maximize stability, reduce pain, and improve function. The procedure is done through a small one-inch incision and takes about an hour. The 3D-printed iFuse TORQ implant was designed for osseointegration, which is the structural and functional connection between implant and bone. This allows your painful joint to be stabilized through binding of bone all along the implant.6

Do you have SI joint pain? Take this short quiz

Supporting Information:

iFuse Implant System Information

iFuse Implant System Information (Spanish)


1. Bernard TN, et al. Recognizing specific characteristics of nonspecific low back pain. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 1987;217:266–80.
2. Schwarzer AC, et al. The Sacroiliac Joint in Chronic Low Back Pain. Spine. 1995;20:31–7.
3. Maigne JY, et al. Results of Sacroiliac Joint Double Block and Value of Sacroiliac Pain Provocation Tests in 54 Patients with Low Back Pain. Spine. 1996;21:1889–92.
4. Sembrano JN, et al. How Often is Low Back Pain Not Coming From The Back? Spine. 2009;34:E27–32.
5. DePalma MJ, et al. Etiology of Chronic Low Back Pain Patients Having Undergone Lumbar Fusion. Pain Med. 2011;12:732-9.
6. SI-BONE 300857-R.