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Good Posture Can Reduce Back Pain

Dr. Mark Giovanini of NeuroMicroSpine knows a thing or two about eliminating back pain. With state-of-the-art minimally invasive spine surgery techniques and other therapies under his belt, he strives to get patients back to living their lives pain-free. The spine surgeon also values providing patients with conservative treatment ideas and tips. We mentioned in a previous blog that exercising can help reduce back pain, but did you know maintaining good posture can do the same?

Slouching can put a lot of stress on your spine and the muscles in your back, causing significant pain and other health issues. If you continue this behavior, the anatomical structure of your spine could change and lead to problems like damage to your vertebral discs and facet joints as well as constrict your blood vessel and nerves. You may already be experiencing some of the side effects bad posture can have on the back. Symptoms may include back and neck pain, headaches and/or fatigue.

It’s important to remain aware of your posture throughout the day and correct it if it begins to slump downward. Also, be cognizant of your posture while texting. Recent studies have indicated that texting and typing on keyboards can inadvertently cause people to slump over their phones, causing back pain. The following chart shows how much pressure is put on the spine when you tilt your head a certain degree while texting.

0° Head Tilt = 10-12 pounds of added pressure

15° Head Tilt = 27 pounds of added pressure

30° Head Tilt = 40 pounds of added pressure

45° Head Tilt = 49 pounds of added pressure

60° Head Tilt = 60 pounds of added pressure

You may be wondering what constitutes good posture. Spine specialists and physical therapies usually recommend patients visualize a straight line from their earlobe, through their shoulder, hip, knee to the middle of their ankle. Are all of the parts mentioned in line with the one you imaged? If so, you’re probably standing in the appropriate posture. While sitting, you should have your ears aligned with your shoulders and your shoulder blades retracted.

Having good posture may also reduce stress. According to recent reports, proper spine alignment can elevate “happy” hormones like serotonin and reduce stress hormones like cortisol. As mentioned previously, slouching can strain the muscles in your back. You should consider strengthening your back muscles to help maintain good posture. You can do so by read our exercising for back pain blog, which has been linked in the introduction paragraph. 

For more information on minimally invasive spine surgery or to make an appointment with Dr. Giovanini, please call (850) 934-7545 or visit http://www.neuromicrospine.com/request-appointment.

We hope to see you soon!

The advice and information contained in this article is for educational purposes only, and is not intended to replace or counter a physician’s advice or judgment. Please always consult your physician before taking any advice learned here or in any other educational medical material.

©NeuroMicroSpine, 2015

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