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7 Ways to Prepare Yourself for Back Surgery

7 Ways to Prepare Yourself for Back Surgery

If you need to have back surgery, preparing yourself mentally and physically can help make your recovery easier. Here are some tips to get ready for a successful surgery:

  1. Be informed. Take notes during your doctor’s visit and ask questions about anything you don’t understand. If possible, bring a friend or relative with you and have them take notes. A third party who’s less stressed may find it easier to remember what the doctor said.
  2. Get a second opinion. If you’re not sure that surgery is the right option for you, don’t hesitate to see another doctor and do as much research as you need. If you’re confident that surgery was the right decision for you, you’ll likely have a better outlook during recovery.
  3. Stay active. While it can be hard to exercise when you’re in pain, the more physically fit you are before surgery, the easier it will be for your body to recover. Swimming, water aerobics, some types of yoga exercises, and using a stationary bike can be doable for some people even when they’re in pain.
  4. Inform your doctor. Make sure your doctor knows about any medications you take, including over-the-counter drugs like ibuprofen or supplements like fish oil. Some drugs and supplements can cause bleeding or interfere with anesthesia.
  5. Stop smoking. If you smoke, please try to quit. Smoking makes it more likely that you’ll have complications after surgery and slows down the healing. It can be hard to think about quitting smoking when you’re in pain and facing surgery, but doing so can really boost your odds for success, not to mention improve your overall health. Ask your doctor for strategies to help you kick the habit.
  6. Arrange for post-surgery help. You’ll be able to walk after surgery, but you’ll still need help with basics like dressing, cleaning, and shopping. Arrange for someone to drive you home and help you out for the first few days. If you don’t have anyone nearby who can help, you can arrange for an in-home health aide.
  7. Plan for post-surgery pain relief. A certain level of pain is inevitable after surgery, but you have options for relief, ranging from nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to opioid medication to hot and cold packs. Deep breathing exercises, guided imagery, and similar techniques may reduce the amount of medication you need. Too much pain causes stress, which interferes with healing, so don’t try to tough it out.

For more information on minimally invasive spine surgery or to make an appointment with Dr. Giovanini, please call (850) 934-7545 or click here to request an appointment.

We hope to see you soon!

The information contained in this article is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace or counter a physician’s advice or judgment. Please always consult your physician before taking any advice learned here or in any other educational medical material.